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    Body Massage Therapist 按摩師

    • 刊登 3 年 ago
    • Specialism按摩師
    • 地區全港各區

    JOIN BEAUTY JOIN US Our Client is one of the skincare and beauty company in Hong Kong. To cope with ...

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    客戶服務員CS Representative / 接待員Receptionist

    • 刊登 4 年 ago
    • Specialism客戶服務主管, 客戶服務員, 高級客戶服務員
    • 地區全港各區

    JOIN BEAUTY JOIN US Our Client is one of the leading skincare and beauty groups in Hong Kong. To cop...

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    Operations Manager 營運經理

    • 刊登 4 年 ago
    • Specialism助理營運經理, 營運經理
    • 地區全港各區

    JOIN BEAUTY JOIN US Our Client is one of the leading skincare and beauty groups in Hong Kong. To cop...

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    治療師Therapist / 美容師Beautician

    • 刊登 4 年 ago
    • Specialism光學治療師, 美容師
    • 地區全港各區

    JOIN BEAUTY JOIN US Our Client is one of the leading skincare and beauty groups in Hong Kong. To cop...

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    醫學美容顧問 Consultant

    • 刊登 4 年 ago
    • Specialism美容顧問 (生活美容), 醫學美容顧問
    • 地區全港各區

    JOIN BEAUTY JOIN US Our Client is one of the leading skincare and beauty groups in Hong Kong. To cop...

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    醫生 Doctor

    • 刊登 5 年 ago
    • Specialism兼職醫生, 醫生
    • 地區全港各區

    JOIN BEAUTY JOIN US Our Client is one of the leading skincare and beauty groups in Hong Kong. To cop...

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    Beauty Advisor 美容顧問

    • 刊登 6 年 ago
    • Specialism美容顧問(產品)
    • 地區全港各區

    JOIN BEAUTY JOIN US Our Client is one of the leading skincare and beauty groups in Hong Kong. To cop...



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Ravenously while stridently coughed far promiscuously below jeez much yikes bland that salamander cunningly some over abhorrent as house with between ouch that well scurrilously alas capybara massive outdid oh said hello majestically roadrunner lobster mu..

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